3D-Coat is an application that contains all the tools you need to realize your ideas in 3D and create organic and completely textured objects or industrial quality Poly Low Resolution models from the block of digital sketches. Today, one can get acquainted with the 3D-Coat application in more than 200 universities and schools around the world.
What's new in 3DCoat 4.9?
Painting room:
- Possibility of texture locking independent of the resolution on the layer. Import or calculation of normal map, occlusion, the cavity will lock the layer. The texture will be saved to disk. As soon as you change the resolution, the locked texture will be used instead of resampling the current state of the layer. This is very important when you want to paint materials with low quality textures and then get high quality in the end.
- Moving smart documents to another folder takes up less space in the Right Click menu, it is consolidated into a single line with the submenu.
- 16 bit PNG support for alphas.
- Correction of the edge width for the Cube Mapping, dedicated adjustment panel for the Cube Mapping.
Sculpture Room:
- CutOff in Surface mode completely redone. Now the shape of the cut is very uniform and precise. The depth and back plane limits produce a clean and precise cut. Support for soft booleans (see image).
- Flexible Booleans for all primitives, volume merging, cutting.
- List of phantom and isolated volumes stored in the scene file (3B).
- Much more stable and powerful geometry-> Close the holes.
- Automatic closing of objects before voxing.
- Store the selection of poses in the layer, choosing the selection of poses in the layer. Works similarly (to some extent) to poly groups.
- Noise loading / saving option.
- Correct brushing on the edge of the mesh (the blob effect has greatly decreased).
- Correction of a problem of snapping of the angle of the installation tool.
UV / Retopology room:
- Support for sharp edges in the Retopo Room. Baking, import / export support.
- Right click contextual menu in the Retopo Room, it is particularly useful in the "Select" tool for low-poly modeling.
- In the UV settings, you can control the default unpacking method.
- The tools of the extruded type in the Retopo Room are more practical and intuitive, like the other 3d editors.
- The unpacking method "To stripe" has been polished and defined by default in the "Unwrap" command to use if necessary. This method unpacks the grid strips in straight, precise lines. Unwrap automatically detects such cases.
New curves (activate in Preferences -> Display beta tools):
- Edge for all curve modifiers can be customized in a very rich way.
- A really rich set of curve modifiers (Right Click on the curve):
- Tubing Surface 1
- Create a surface of revolution
- Polyhedron
- Tubing Surface 2
- Tubing Surface 3
- Goose, Bird, Dolphin

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